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Works on loose stools
Barry Maggard (The Natural Scooper) March 21, 2019
Great product. I have 4 dogs, Great Dane, English Mastiff, Labrador Retriever, and a Jack Russell so I have all sizes covered. The mastiff has stomach issues so her stools frequently have the consistency of soft served custard. This scooper picks it all up better than anything else I have tried. One review states that it only works on perfectly level yards and i have to disagree. My yard is anything but level it just takes the right approach and this will pick everything up fine. On solid stools you can use the tines to spear it and drop it in the bucket or just shovel it up. Either way works well and is much easier on my grass than others i have used. The handle is nice and long which means less bending over which is a major plus. The only negative is the handle is very slim and feels like it could break if you were to put much pressure on it. Overall even if it was to snap I would quickly be ordering another one as this thing is leaps and bounds above anything else I have tried. The company is very friendly and really seems to stand behind the product. If you are even considering this just go ahead and get it you won't be disappointed.